08 Jun 22

Worldline welcomes Ingenico, creating a new world-class leader in payment services


By combining forces, Worldline gets one step closer to our vision of enabling sustainable and profitable economic growth for banks, merchants and the entire payments ecosystem

By combining forces with Ingenico, Worldline will become Europe’s new world-class leader in payment services and joins the league of international payment leaders. Worldline is committed to operating payment solutions that enable viable economic growth and reinforce trust and security in our societies. With its global footprint and its dedication to excellence, innovation and sustainability, Worldline is set to accelerate the development of the European payments industry, further shaping new ways of paying, living and doing business. 

Merchants can expect solutions and services that support their growth agenda, and a wider range of digital payment capabilities for operational efficiencies and better customer engagement through:  

  • State-of-the-art integrated payment solutions 
  • Advanced technology
  • Enhanced innovation capacities
  • Extended global footprint 


Gilles Grapinet, Chairman and CEO of Worldline, said:


"This is a very exciting milestone for Worldline, specifically designed to decidedly reinforce the value proposition of our businesses. Having the scale and now global capabilities, we have reshaped our group entirely in order to support, now more than ever, our clients, merchants and banks in particular, enabling them to rely on state-of-the-art electronic payment services to accelerate their own growth as well as their digital transformation strategy. In doing so, we are more than ever committed to contributing to the sustainable growth of the societies we operate in, while remaining at the highest possible level of social and environmental responsibility. Despite the difficult times we are all facing at the moment, I have never been this confident in the group’s potential and future and in its 20,000 employees."


The new Worldline in a nutshell


  • Worldline is the largest European player in payment services and the fourth largest player worldwide, with pro forma revenues of €5.3 billion in 2019.
  • Worldline provides its clients with sustainable, trusted and secure solutions across the payment value chain, fostering their business growth wherever they are located.
  • With 20,000 employees and powered by the brightest talents in the payments industry, Worldline is shaping new ways of paying, living and doing business.
  • With a physical presence in over 50 countries, Worldline is the only European player with an international footprint to rival international payments peers based in the US, providing the full payment ecosystem, from POS acceptance to merchant acquisition. The newly expanded Worldline now has broad access to the US market, greater exposure to merchants in Latin America and Asia-Pacific and the potential for faster expansion in countries with a lower card penetration.
  • Worldline offers best-in-class payment services, ranging from online payments, omnichannel solutions and a broad portfolio of payment terminals to issuing & acquiring and digital banking to one million merchants and 1,200 banks and financial institutions, fostering their business growth with deep operational expertise and economies of scale.


A unique value proposition for customers


We bring together Worldline’s extensive coverage of the payment value chain and its expertise in cross-border acquiring coupled with Ingenico’s global exposure to online commerce. Worldline is the competitive choice for merchants and offers clients unmatched coverage of the payments value chain with a unique combination of online, instore and specialised vertical solutions.

Unparalleled footprint and cross-border expertise to serve multinational players

global presence

Across Europe, Worldline has a significant presence, with, among others, a leadership position in Germany, a strong position in the Nordic countries and enhanced access to French banks and merchants. These geographical footprint and scale give Worldline strong commercial advantages for multinational merchants, providing customers with enhanced offerings for cross-border payments that can boost their operational efficiency and their innovation agenda.

Payment partner of choice for merchants of all sizes

The new Worldline can meet merchants’ local and global needs. In many countries, the company’s roots go back to the emergence of digital payments with a track record at the heart of national payment landscapes in countries including Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland and Austria. Approximately 180,000 merchants within retail, hospitality and the service sector can continue to rely on our proven services. For new customers, on-boarding will be faster and easier, thanks to digital solutions for SMEs and a hardware-independent acceptance platform.

Deep industry understanding for specialised sectors

The distinctive strengths of the new Worldline within different vertical markets create a diverse and powerful solutions portfolio and expert partnerships with key industry players. Our customer-centric organization is dedicated to specialized segments, with Ingenico’s strong assets for retail, travel, health and e-commerce that are complementary to Worldline’s strong heritage in financial services, hospitality, petrol, luxury retail and transportation.

Powering the payments industry with state-of-the-art terminals

Thanks to immediate access to some of the most advanced terminals in the industry, Worldline benefits from an extended global footprint and an undisputed know-how in POS and payment acceptance. By providing the best-tailored payments acceptance solutions to in-store merchants, Worldline is leveraging innovative payment solutions to bring the best customer-experience across the globe.

Now more than ever, accelerated e-Commerce

Worldline is the largest merchant acquirer and third largest online payment acceptance provider in Europe with c. 250,000 e-commerce customers and websites, accepting more than 350 payment methods and with connections to more than 150 local acquirers. Our internationally renowned gateway brings digital natives’ features to retailers across the world. 

Enlarging perspectives for Financial Services

As the largest payment processor in Europe, with a successful track record of forging strategic partnerships with financial institutions, Worldline is leading the next-generation payment services such as account-based payments and instant payments. The combination with Ingenico increases Worldline’s payment volumes, widening opportunities for partnerships with financial institutions in addition to 1,200 financial institutions that Worldline currently works with, processing c. 5.6 billion acquiring transactions each year.

business lines

Про Інженіко

Ingenico - світовий лідер у сфері прийому платежів та послуг. Ми допомагаємо нашим клієнтам та їхнім клієнтам робити більше за допомогою платежів. Працюючи в 32 країнах, з більш ніж 3,100 співробітниками, ми вже понад чотири десятиліття перебуваємо в авангарді комерційного ландшафту. Маючи понад 40 мільйонів платіжних пристроїв по всьому світу, які працюють на базі більш ніж 2 500 додатків, компанія щодня задовольняє потреби мільйонів споживачів. Завдяки нашим передовим інтегрованим рішенням та мережі партнерств ми спрощуємо світ платежів та надаємо послуги з доданою вартістю, що сприяють розвитку комерції.

Press contacts

Elena Chadaigne, Global Head of External Communications

T +33 6 80 58 27 62

E [email protected]

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