16 Jun 20

Ingenico North America Reinforces Commitment to Customer Delivery


Damian Tanenbaum named head of customer delivery and chief operating officer for Ingenico Group North America

Atlanta, Ga. - Ingenico, the global leader in seamless payments, today announced that Damian Tanenbaum has been appointed as head of customer delivery and chief operating officer (COO) for North America. He brings 25+ years of operations leadership experience and has a track record of delivering world-class support within the payments industry. This appointment will help the company continue to deliver on its commitment to providing its industry partners and merchant customers in a variety of vertical markets, including retail, grocery, food & beverage, hotel & lodging and healthcare, among others with the ability to drive better customer experiences.

To expand Ingenico Group’s position as a technology leader in the payments industry, continuing to evolve our software and hardware solutions, as well as our services and support offerings, is paramount to helping our partners and customers stay ahead of consumer expectations.As we look to deliver this commitment, Damian Tanenbaum’s wealth of payment industry experience and operational excellence will be critical in how we serve our customers moving forward.
Peter Stewart, EVP of North America for Ingenico Group.

Prior to joining Ingenico Group, Tanenbaum most recently served as SVP of operations for TSYS and Global Payments Inc. (formerly Cayan), where he led customer experience, quality, back office, deployment, process improvement, learning and the contact centers. He integral in the development of Cayan’s gateway infrastructure that enabled it to quickly adapt and grow with customer needs. Tanenbaum has also held operations leadership roles at Pivotal Payments and Fifth Third Processing Solutions. With this experience, Tanenbaum comes to Ingenico with a track record of developing realistic, data-driven strategies to improve measurable efficiencies with complex, global organizations.

I’m excited to have joined the Ingenico North America team and look forward to collaborating with the team to drive operational excellence. As a long-standing member of the payments industry, I’ve always admired the solutions, services and support provided by the company and have high expectations on how we can deliver an even more scalable, reliable, customer-centric and innovative solutions.
Damian Tanenbaum

Про Інженіко

Ingenico - світовий лідер у сфері прийому платежів та послуг. Ми допомагаємо нашим клієнтам та їхнім клієнтам робити більше за допомогою платежів. Працюючи в 32 країнах, з більш ніж 3,300 співробітниками, ми вже понад чотири десятиліття перебуваємо в авангарді комерційного ландшафту. Маючи понад 40 мільйонів платіжних пристроїв по всьому світу, які працюють на базі більш ніж 2 500 додатків, компанія щодня задовольняє потреби мільйонів споживачів. Завдяки нашим передовим інтегрованим рішенням та мережі партнерств ми спрощуємо світ платежів та надаємо послуги з доданою вартістю, що сприяють розвитку комерції.

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