08 Jun 22

Ingenico Group receives the EcoVadis Platinum medal for its CSR performance and joins the top 1 percent of assessed companies


Ingenico Group (Euronext: FR0000125346 - ING), the global leader in seamless payments is proud to receive the Platinum EcoVadis Medal, the highest distinction awarded by the independent platform that assesses companies’ social and environmental performance. 


This year, with a 4-point improvement on its previous year, Ingenico reaches the global score of 74/100, placing the Group among the top 1 percent of companies assessed by EcoVadis.

This progression1 confirms Ingenico’s long term commitment to promoting Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the Group, relying on its dedicated “SHARE2” programme. This 5-year plan follows on from the measures already initiated by the Group in 2015 and is based around four key action fields: governance, corporate citizenship, human capital and environment. The aim of “SHARE” is to address the key issues that Ingenico has identified in the payments sector, whether these are social, economic or environmental.

This year, Ingenico was specially rewarded by EcoVadis for its performance in the field of social and human rights as well as for managing responsibly its supply chain, with scores of 80 out of 100. These high scores most particularly reward its efforts in China, where its occupational health and safety management system is OHSAS 18001 certified, and the strengthening of its responsible purchasing approach with its direct suppliers involved in the Group's payment terminals manufacturing.

For Marine Le Picard, CSR Director, Ingenico Group: As part of our CSR approach, we have set ourselves the mission of making the act of payment more inclusive, a goal that is even more crucial within the current macro-economic context of the Covid-19 health crisis. Today, we are proud to receive this EcoVadis distinction rewarding the collective commitment of the company. Our responsible development strategy remains a priority for Ingenico Group and is part of a path that we are committed to pursue over the long term. 


1 Learn more about Ingenico Group’s CSR performance assessment

2 Learn more about Ingenico’ CSR programme

A proposito di INGENICO

Ingenico è leader mondiale nelle soluzioni di accettazione e nei servizi di pagamento. Presente in 37 paesi, con oltre 3.500 dipendenti, Ingenico è presente nell'ecosistema dei pagamenti da oltre quarant'anni. Con più di 40 milioni di dispositivi di pagamento distribuiti in tutto il mondo, alimentati da oltre 2.500 app, l'azienda soddisfa ogni giorno le esigenze di milioni di consumatori. Grazie ad avanzate soluzioni integrate e all'ampia rete di partnership, Ingenico semplifica il mondo dei pagamenti, offrendo servizi a valore aggiunto per far progredire il commercio.

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