19 Sep 23

Ingenico and Diggecard announce a comprehensive gift card solution for acquirers using PPaaS, Ingenico’s Payments Platform as a Service

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Suresnes, Paris (France), September, 19th, 2023: Ingenico, a global leader in payments acceptance solutions and Diggecard, a global provider of gift card expertise and technology, have announced that Diggecard’s services are now available on PPaaS, Ingenico’s innovative cloud Payments Platform as a Service.  

The announcement coincides with PPaaS launching gift card services on its platform that enables payments and commerce services to combine seamlessly. Diggecard enables the full range of physical and digital gift card operations at the point of sale, including issuing and redemption as well as details of account balances and expiry. Digital gift cards can be distributed by SMS, E-mail or as a QR code and Diggecard also provides a full range of reporting capabilities that deliver analytical insights for merchants to better understand their customers.

Diggecard’s white label technology allows merchants to access a comprehensive suite of self-managed gift card services. By removing the complexity of integration for acquirers, PPaaS opens gift card programs to new categories of retailers, helping to generate new revenue streams and improve consumer engagement. Gift cards are a recognized way for business to drive incremental revenues to merchants. Smaller merchants connected to the PPaaS platform through their acquirer can now benefit from the same capabilities as larger merchants have done in the past, or they can use Diggecard operated gift cards in more innovative ways such as to reimburse customers instead of in cash, ensuring that they capture that revenue when it is spent again. 

For Ingenico’s clients - Banks, acquirers, merchant services providers and ISVs, for whom payments are increasingly important - services such as gift cards are important levers as they seek to maintain merchant loyalty and grow revenues: PPaaS allows them to do this quickly and at minimal cost.

In partnership with Ingenico’s innovative PPaaS platform we can offer an industry-leading gift card solution not only to large enterprises, but also to small and medium businesses which have traditionally been underserved in the gift card space because of the difficulty and cost of providing robust services at scale. Collaborating with PPaaS gives Diggecard an opportunity for fast and frictionless deployment of our services to merchants worldwide.
Kristian Stølen, co-founder of Diggecard
We share with Diggecard a vision of the market for Gift Card services and the importance of making these available to a wider range of merchants than at present. Our clients want to bring their merchants the services they need to help them compete in today’s world, and PPaaS allows them to do that, seamlessly, quickly and cost-effectively.
Giulio Montemagno, General Manager of PPaaS of Ingenico

About Diggecard

Diggecard is a global SaaS company delivering end to end gift card solutions to banks, acquirers and technology vendors helping them to enrich value services proposition to their merchants. Diggecard platform allows merchants to establish and manage omni-channel gift card programs, enabling the sale and redemption of both physical and digital gift cards across various sales channels, including in-store and online. By streamlining the merchant onboarding process and offering a self-service back office, Diggecard empowers merchants to independently manage the solution, reducing their reliance on merchant aggregators for customer support and ongoing assistance. This comprehensive suite of features ensures a seamless and frictionless experience for both merchant aggregators and their customers, solidifying Diggecard's position as a trusted and reliable partner in the gift card industry. More information at diggecard.com

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Společnost Ingenico je celosvětovým lídrem v oblasti akceptace plateb a platebních služeb. Podporujeme naše zákazníky a jejich zákazníky, aby s platbami dokázali více. Působíme ve 32 zemích a s více než 3 300 zaměstnanci jsme v čele obchodního prostředí již více než čtyři desetiletí. S více než 40 miliony platebních zařízení nasazených po celém světě, které využívá více než 2 500 aplikací, společnost denně uspokojuje potřeby milionů spotřebitelů. Prostřednictvím našich pokročilých integrovaných řešení a sítě partnerů zjednodušujeme svět plateb a přinášíme služby s přidanou hodnotou, které posouvají obchod dopředu.

Press contacts

Elena Chadaigne, Global Head of External Communications

T +33 6 80 58 27 62

E [email protected]

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