26 Oct 22

Ingenico and Live Payments partner to offer advanced payment and commerce solutions to taxi and retailers in Australia


SYDNEY, PARIS, October 25, 2022: Ingenico, the most trusted technological partner in payments acceptance, and Live Payments, one of Australia’s leading payment service providers and Ingenico announce a long-term strategic partnership to equip retailers and taxis with seamless, convenient payment and commerce solutions. Ingenico will roll out its AXIUM range of Android Smart POS for Live Payments’ customers across Australia.

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Live Payments, with over 8000 customers around Australia, has selected the Ingenico AXIUM DX8000 to offer an enhanced consumer experience, innovative commerce and payment solutions with an elevated level of security. Ingenico's AXIUM range and its flexible solutions will benefit Live Payments with the ability to build value-added applications faster and provide customised experiences for individual segments or merchants.

By partnering with Ingenico, we are able to empower our customers with the latest payment technology, enable them with value-added services and let them focus on what they do best – running their business. All from one of the world’s most trusted payment technology providers, Ingenico.
Reuven Barukh, CEO of Live Payments

Ingenico continues to strengthen its position as the trusted partner in the world of payments acceptance in the Asia Pacific Region.

We are delighted to announce this partnership with Live Payments to support the Australian payment ecosystem with the combination of our state-of-the-art AXIUM DX8000 and the Ingenico capabilities in terms of services and solutions. I am personally glad to be involved in this journey helping merchants to grow and reinvent their business.
Anushka WEERATUNGA, Managing Director for Ingenico Pacif

Live Payments will access Ingenico’s market-leading payments applications and commerce network to enable seamless payments and commerce capabilities. The company may also have the opportunity to leverage Ingenico’s platform to orchestrate payments, commerce and data services from multiple service providers.

About Live Payments

Live Payments has over 15 years' experience servicing over 8,000 Australian SME and taxi customers, offering a full suite of payment solutions aimed at helping businesses grow. We strive to simplify payments and enable our customers with leading technology and solutions.

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Společnost Ingenico je celosvětovým lídrem v oblasti akceptace plateb a platebních služeb. Podporujeme naše zákazníky a jejich zákazníky, aby s platbami dokázali více. Působíme ve 37 zemích a s více než 3 500 zaměstnanci jsme v čele obchodního prostředí již více než čtyři desetiletí. S více než 40 miliony platebních zařízení nasazených po celém světě, které využívá více než 2 500 aplikací, společnost denně uspokojuje potřeby milionů spotřebitelů. Prostřednictvím našich pokročilých integrovaných řešení a sítě partnerů zjednodušujeme svět plateb a přinášíme služby s přidanou hodnotou, které posouvají obchod dopředu.

Press contacts

Elena Chadaigne, Global Head of External Communications

T +33 6 80 58 27 62

E [email protected]

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