28 Jun 23

Ingenico and Axerve Partner to Improve Merchant Onboarding and Instore Payments

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Suresnes, Paris (France), Milan (Italy) June 28th, 2023: Ingenico, the global leader in payments acceptance solutions, has announced that Axerve, one of Italy’s most innovative merchant services providers, will be the first company in Italy to introduce Ingenico’s PPaaS (Payments Platform as-a-Service) solution.

Ingenico’s PPaaS will allow Axerve to streamline the service they bring to their merchants providing a simpler, easier, onboarding experience. It provides Axerve with a device brand-agnostic solution and a platform to onboard and manage all its connected devices, merchants, and the transactions they process, in real time.

The new solution will help Axerve monitor its estate of payment devices and provides an early warning of any technical issues affecting them, alongside a clear view of merchant value to Axerve. The global nature of the PPaaS platform will allow Axerve to accelerate its expansion into new countries and markets

PPaaS will also allow Axerve to benefit from a range of business applications that help merchants better manage their activity and offer new capabilities to their customers. Importantly, the platform will work with both Ingenico and third-party devices, keeping things simple and consistent for Axerve.

Axerve, owned by Fabrick, provides state-of-the-art payments acceptance solutions to over 100,000 clients. Keen to capitalise on the potential of the PPaaS platform, it is already actively exploring new use cases such as Tap to Pay option which enable merchants to accept payments on a smartphone.

As a leading payments ecosystem enabler, we trust Ingenico to help us to serve our customers when it comes to the management of their data and devices. Our partnership with Ingenico will help us accelerate our international expansion, while also providing exceptional added value to merchants across our entire client portfolio.
Alessandro Bocca, CEO of Axerve
We are very pleased to be working with Axerve, which, like Ingenico is a true innovator in its market. Axerve recognises that the future of payments at the point of sale lies in cloud solutions that give acquirers and merchants the flexibility they need. They see Ingenico’s PPaaS as the best way to deliver the payments and services their merchants require to run their business.
Giulio Montemagno, EVP for PPaaS at Ingenico


Part of Fabrick's Fintech ecosystem, Axerve stands for over 100,000 active customers, as a partner for business development helping them to understand, anticipate and address the needs of the market thanks to technological and innovative solutions for the point of sale and Ecommerce. Axerve supports them nationally and internationally and in every single market, integrates value-added services to meet the needs of physical and online stores with a personalized user experience, offering over 250 payment methods. The offer consists of a single platform to accept any type of payment, from all physical and digital channels, in a clear, simple and secure way, through physical and digital gateways, such as POS, Ecommerce solutions, Cashin machines, applications and value-added services; with the aim of offering an answer to all questions in the field of payment acceptance, offering new solutions (in-store, mobile and digital) adapting to the specific needs of customers. Axerve Ecommerce Solutions has a strong leadership in online payment management services in all product sectors. www.axerve.com/en

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Společnost Ingenico je celosvětovým lídrem v oblasti akceptace plateb a platebních služeb. Podporujeme naše zákazníky a jejich zákazníky, aby s platbami dokázali více. Působíme ve 32 zemích a s více než 3 100 zaměstnanci jsme v čele obchodního prostředí již více než čtyři desetiletí. S více než 40 miliony platebních zařízení nasazených po celém světě, které využívá více než 2 500 aplikací, společnost denně uspokojuje potřeby milionů spotřebitelů. Prostřednictvím našich pokročilých integrovaných řešení a sítě partnerů zjednodušujeme svět plateb a přinášíme služby s přidanou hodnotou, které posouvají obchod dopředu.

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T +33 6 80 58 27 62

E [email protected]

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