25 Oct 22

Total Economic Impact Study from Forrester Consulting finds Terminal as a Service (TaaS) by Ingenico delivers 49% ROI


Paris - October 25, 2022 - Ingenico, a world leader in payment services, has released the results of the Total Economic Impact™ study it commissioned from Forrester Consulting on the return on investment (ROI) that enterprises may realise by deploying "Terminal as a Service" by Ingenico.


As a newly independent company following its recent acquisition by Apollo Funds, the release of this survey supports Ingenico’s business transformation as a payments ecosystem enabler through a greater mix of software and cloud-based services. This new strategy will secure long-term development for the business, while also serving the best interests of Ingenico’s customers, employees and shareholders.

"Terminal as a Service" (TaaS) by Ingenico provides acquirers and other users with an end-to-end terminal estate management solution. It offers a suite of services that cover the entire lifetime of the terminal, from installation to end-of-life management, for a recurring fee.

TaaS enables Ingenico’s customers to differentiate their merchant services offerings and helps them reduce risk with a predictable recurring pricing model per terminal along the contract duration. Additional benefits of TaaS include lower capital expenditure on terminals, reduced costs of estate management, improved merchant retention and increased profit from value-added services.

Based on a series of interviews with users of the solution, Forrester Consulting found that prior to adopting TaaS by Ingenico, organisations said their terminal solutions lacked flexibility and value-added offerings. They struggled to differentiate against competitors in a commoditised market.

Matthieu Destot, CEO of Ingenico commented on the survey's findings saying, “Nowdays, the world of payments is more complex due to several underlying commerce trends. Our TaaS offering allows acquirers to take profit from the groundswell of outsourcing payment services, so they can focus on their client's needs.  Forresters’ survey demonstrates that our TaaS offerings, not only reduced their hardware capital and terminal estate management costs, but also allowed them to focus more on improving their merchant experience and developing value-added services. This created new revenue streams for them and improved merchant loyalty.”

According to the analysis carried out by Forrester Consulting, the deployment of TaaS by Ingenico delivers a potential return on investment of 49%.

The report identifies the following major benefits for organisations that invest in TaaS over three years:

  • Avoided terminal capital costs of $22 million for an organisation with 100,000 terminals
  • Reduced the costs of terminal estate management by 30%
  • Improved merchant retention by 10%
  • Increased profit from value-added services
  • Improved user experience
  • Enabled innovation
  • Improved time-to-market
A key benefit was being able to deploy new functionalities and improve user experience, which in the end helped us to differentiate from our competitors.
CEO of an acquirer interviewed by the Forrester Consulting for the study
The principal value from TaaS by Ingenico is a low-concern, high-quality outsourced service. From an operational point of view, things just work seamlessly. Ingenico has been very proactive from a service point of view, bringing innovation to us and adding real value to development initiatives.
COO Europe of another acquirer interviewed for the report

CLICK HERE to read the full Forrester Total Economic Impact study of Ingenico’s “Terminal as a Service” (TaaS) offering.

O společnosti Ingenico

Společnost Ingenico je celosvětovým lídrem v oblasti akceptace plateb a platebních služeb. Podporujeme naše zákazníky a jejich zákazníky, aby s platbami dokázali více. Působíme ve 37 zemích a s více než 3 500 zaměstnanci jsme v čele obchodního prostředí již více než čtyři desetiletí. S více než 40 miliony platebních zařízení nasazených po celém světě, které využívá více než 2 500 aplikací, společnost denně uspokojuje potřeby milionů spotřebitelů. Prostřednictvím našich pokročilých integrovaných řešení a sítě partnerů zjednodušujeme svět plateb a přinášíme služby s přidanou hodnotou, které posouvají obchod dopředu.

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Elena Chadaigne, Global Head of External Communications

T +33 6 80 58 27 62

E [email protected]

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