Ingenico accelerates the deployment of innovative solutions for merchants with Moby-PIN, its PCI certified SPoC solution


Ingenico strengthens its leadership position in the mobile POS market with the certification of its PIN-on-Mobile solution, complementing the Moby product line.


Growing its existing mPOS portfolio, the Moby-PIN solution enables secure PIN entry on a merchants’ smartphone or tablet.

This change of paradigm in the payment industry enables key players to shift gradually from a hardware to a software security model. It allows PIN code to be entered onto an open environment, when card reading is managed by the Moby/5500 SCRP**.

Ingenico’s SPoC* solution delivers a fraud engine to control the integrity of the system and insure state of the art security of the mobile application and the mobile device. With a scalable design, Ingenico enables payment gateways to manage a common and single integration with SPoC technology and the complete Moby portfolio.

Such innovation allows Ingenico customers to gradually move from CAPEX to OPEX models. It confirms Ingenico strategy towards Terminal as a Service: designing new business models to answer merchants’ aspiration for pay per use solutions.


Security on SPoC is not static. Our global footprint will be a key advantage to ensure the security and the maintenance of such solution over time. Ingenico masters the full solution stack, providing an end-to-end solution with in-house technology.
Christopher Rotsaert, VP Hardware Product and Supply Chain Management, Ingenico Inc.
Author Photo
Christopher Rotsaer
Our main objective is to support our customers with the full scope of payment acceptance solution for all the use cases. PIN-on-Mobile is the perfect solution to complete our mobile portfolio. It will allow us to answer new and disruptive use cases, from micro-merchants to large scale retailers.
Michel Léger, EVP Global Solutions Development, TSS, Ingenico
Author Photo
Michel Léger

SPoC* – Software based PIN entry on COTS

COTS – Commercial Off The Shelf

SCRP** – Secure Card Reader PIN




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