15 Jan 23

Ingenico Introduces its AXIUM Retail Core (ARC) Solution to grant Merchants more Reliable and focused retail integrations

EX8000_merchant ecosystem3 - ARC PR

Ingenico’s ARC functionality will also enable a variety of new features including the capability for customers to put their mobile app on any Ingenico AXIUM device.

Alpharetta (GA, USA) - January 15, 2023:  Ingenico, a world leader in payment services, has introduced its AXIUM Retail Core (ARC) capabilities onto all its AXIUM platform terminals within the US. ARC is Ingenico’s fully integrated terminal application, providing integrators and merchants with a high degree of backwards compatibility and reliability to link their payment services with other widely used systems. To grant integrators access to all.

ARC supports legacy RBA and UPP APIs and is available on all AXIUM devices, to leverage this integration for any use case within the North American market. Both integrated and semi-integrated solutions are available to provide businesses with a payment system that uniquely suits their needs, meets stringent security requirements and offers an improved consumer experience. ARC functionality also enables a variety of new features such as an enhanced screen designer with native Android layouts designed using Android Studio, the ability for customers to create their own UI engine, and the capability for customers to put their mobile app on any AXIUM device.

While other companies have built their software around existing or new terminals, Ingenico took a different approach, opting to focus on the quality and long-term functionality of the platform first.

Ingenico approached the building of this ARC solution from a platform standpoint, not one based around the terminals that would deploy it.
Peter Stewart, Head of North America Region for Ingenico

Ingenico has completed several successful pilots for their ARC solution in the North American region and the platform has delivered a substantial ROI for the involved participants. As an enterprise-grade, fully customizable solution, ARC enabled the companies involved to provide their customers with a more immersive payment experience.

Speaking on the success of these pilots Peter Stewart commented:

Our team has successfully worked to ensure that we created a solid, secure and flexible platform that would ensure easier backward integration for merchants. The ARC solution furthers Ingenico's reputation as the chosen and trusted payment technology partner for retailers, acquires, banks, ISOs and ISVs and we are excited to roll it out further across North America.
Peter Stewart, Head of North America Region for Ingenico


Az Ingenico globális vezető szerepet tölt be a fizetés elfogadásában és szolgáltatásaiban. Támogatjuk ügyfeleinket és ügyfeleiket, hogy többet tehessenek a fizetésekkel. 37 országban tevékenykedünk, több mint 3500 alkalmazottal több mint négy évtizede vagyunk a kereskedelem élvonalában. A világszerte több mint 40 millió fizetési eszközzel, amelyet több mint 2500 alkalmazás működtet, a vállalat naponta fogyasztók millióinak igényeit szolgálja ki. Fejlett integrált megoldásaink és partnerségi hálózatunk révén leegyszerűsítjük a fizetések világát, és hozzáadott értékű szolgáltatásokat nyújtunk a kereskedelem előreviteléhez.

Press contacts

Elena Chadaigne, Global Head of External Communications

T +33 6 80 58 27 62

E [email protected]

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