09 Jun 22

Peter Stewart Named Executive Vice President of North America for Ingenico Group


Ingenico Group (Euronext: FR0000125346 - ING), the global leader in seamless payments, today announced that Peter Stewart has been named the executive vice president of North America. Peter reports to Matthieu Destot, executive vice president, B&A business unit and is a member of the company’s B&A Management Committee. Peter brings over 25 years of experience working with technology companies, including the last four years at Ingenico Group. His experience spans across different disciplines, including strategy, sales contract management, manufacturing, supply chain and human resources, among other areas.


"Peter brings a wealth of global leadership experience working with technology companies, both in fintech and the larger industry, that Ingenico benefits from greatly. I, along with the Executive Committee, am excited as he begins this new role leading the region,” Destot said. “His technology background and track record, coupled with his understanding of how Ingenico helps elevate the customer experience, will drive success as we continue to expand our presence in the region"

Peter previously held the role of chief financial officer of the B&A business unit for Ingenico and formerly served as chief financial officer for the North America Region for nearly two years. Before that, he spent eight years at ADVA Optical Networking, most recently as vice president of finance, corporate development, treasury & risk management. Other previous companies include Lydian Data Services and ADP, among others.

"I am honored and humbled to be appointed the next leader of the North America Region, and I’m very excited by the opportunity that we have in front of us", Stewart said. "We will continue to build upon our position of thought leadership, our market strength and, most importantly, our ability to execute our strategy across both our Retail and B&A business unit activities."

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Az Ingenico globális vezető szerepet tölt be a fizetés elfogadásában és szolgáltatásaiban. Támogatjuk ügyfeleinket és ügyfeleiket, hogy többet tehessenek a fizetésekkel. 37 országban tevékenykedünk, több mint 3500 alkalmazottal több mint négy évtizede vagyunk a kereskedelem élvonalában. A világszerte több mint 40 millió fizetési eszközzel, amelyet több mint 2500 alkalmazás működtet, a vállalat naponta fogyasztók millióinak igényeit szolgálja ki. Fejlett integrált megoldásaink és partnerségi hálózatunk révén leegyszerűsítjük a fizetések világát, és hozzáadott értékű szolgáltatásokat nyújtunk a kereskedelem előreviteléhez.

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