09 juin 22

Ingenico étend sa gamme pour couvrir tous les marchés verticaux avec la solution Self-Modular, la première configuration modulaire au monde pour le marché du libre-service certifiée PCI

Paris, 17 January 2021 – Ingenico its leadership in unattended payments with the launch of Self-Modular, the world’s first unattended POS modular configuration to achieve PCI PTS v6 certification. This latest addition to the Ingenico Self Series portfolio of solutions means the range now comprehensively covers all verticals - such as vending, EV charging, transportation, parking and ticketing kiosks, for both indoor and outdoor use cases.


The self-service market has seen strong growth in recent years, particularly during the pandemic, with new use cases emerging as well as an increased user demand for efficiency, convenience, speed and safety. In parallel, the rapid adoption of contactless payments across the world, combined with the increase in authorised payment limits have brought greater flexibility along with new development opportunities for the unattended payment sector.

Ingenico’s Self-Modular POS is an innovative modular configuration with two – instead of the usual three – highly ruggedised modules designed to withstand harsh environments for outdoor and/or intensive usage. Its patented innovations contribute to ease implementation for integrators and improve ergonomics for users.

Based on the robust TETRA OS and sharing the same environment as other offerings in the Self Series, the Self-Modular can be easily integrated into any existing kiosk thanks to its compactness and flexible dual module configuration.

The Self/8000 (EPP and contactless) and Self/7000 (smart hybrid contact reader) join the Self Series which includes the "all-in-one" terminals (Self/2000, Self/4000 et Self/5000) that were successfully launched last year.

This range now offers integrators and customers a comprehensive and versatile range of solutions for equipping their kiosks, whatever the set up and wherever they are located.

“The Self Series, which includes innovative unattended devices and an unrivalled suite of payment and business services, is unique in this rapidly growing market as it addresses all self-service use cases. Thanks to its PCI PTSv6 certification and its scalable architecture, the Self Series is truly future-proof," says Vincent Bernard, Head of Self-Service Products at Ingenico TSS.

Michel Léger, EVP Solutions and Innovation at Ingenico TSS confirms the importance of unattended devices in today’s market trends: “The next step will be to facilitate the deployment and remote management of these unattended payment terminals in all countries where integrators want to deploy their kiosks. This is why the Self Series is natively compatible with our innovative and powerful PPaaS (Payments Platform as a Service) payments orchestration solution which will help support the growth of the self-service market and scale it in the most simple and efficient way.”


A propos d'Ingenico

Ingenico est le leader mondial dans le domaine de l'acceptation des paiements et des services associés. Nous accompagnons nos clients et leurs consommateurs pour enrichir et élargir les possibilités offertes par les paiements. Présents dans 32 pays et forts de plus de 3 100 collaborateurs, nous sommes pionniers dans le développement du commerce depuis plus de 45 ans. Avec plus de 40 millions de terminaux de paiement déployés dans le monde, soutenus par plus de 2 500 applications, notre entreprise répond quotidiennement aux besoins de millions de consommateurs. Grâce à nos solutions intégrées à la pointe de la technologie et à notre vaste réseau de partenaires, nous simplifions l'univers des paiements et offrons des services à forte valeur ajoutée pour faire progresser le commerce.

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Elena Chadaigne, Responsable de la communication externe et des relations presse

T +33 6 80 58 27 62

E [email protected]

Laurent Marie, Investors Relations

T +33 1 58 01 83 24

E [email protected]

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