As habilidades de gerenciamento de projetos economizam tempo para o varejista de bricolage

Customer’s profile: A leading US home improvement retailer, supplying tools, construction products, appliances, and services.
The solution
Ingenico Professional Services were enlisted to manage the project and worked collaboratively with the retailer from the outset. A seasoned project manager liaised with the client to give visibility of the project process and track delivery for implementation into their integration cycle.
The project required strong leadership to build and manage a detailed schedule, identify key milestones, plan for risk and mitigation and implement correct governance. It also required an in-depth knowledge of Ingenico’s solutions.

The outcome
Ingenico’s team was able deliver the desired functionality, with no additional releases required. Not only was the client able to validate, integrate and deploy within their anticipated timeframe, but the project also came in ahead of schedule and under budget.