09 juin 22

Ingenico s'associe à Fintech Pundi X pour permettre des transactions cryptographiques dans le monde entier


Ingenico Group (Euronext: FR0000125346 - ING), the global leader in seamless payment, and Singapore-based Fintech Pundi X have just announced a major milestone in the global adoption of crypto payments, as Pundi X has completed the integration of their XPOS software with the point-of-sale (POS) APOS A8 devices of Ingenico.


ingenico pundi

Leveraging blockchain to facilitate payments


Through this partnership, merchants around the world using APOS A8, Ingenico’s portable POS solution that runs on Android, will now be able to accept various cryptocurrencies as payment options and provide consumers with more secure and seamless transactions experience, powered by blockchain technology.

"We are honored and excited to partner with one of the largest payment leaders in the world. Pundi X can now leverage the APOS A8, the most widely sold Android payment device in the world and benefit from Ingenico’s global support in a number of key markets.” said Zac Cheah, Co-Founder and CEO of Pundi X. “Enabling crypto payments in Ingenico’s APOS A8 devices will undoubtedly make cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology more accessible to even more people.”

"Ingenico is always on the lookout for innovations that will further improve transactional processes, and we see Pundi X’s use of blockchain technology in points of sales as truly innovative,” said Marcus Low, Senior Vice President, Asia Pacific of Ingenico Group. “This partnership is as a great way to prepare for the future of payments and introduce cryptocurrency as a reliable payment option to our clients and customers worldwide.”

Seamless crypto payments for a growing blockchain community


Installing the XPOS module on an Ingenico POS terminal will enable merchants to process transactions in various cryptocurrencies, including BTC, ETH, BNB, XEM, DGX, DAI, ENQ, KNC, KCS, FX, QTUM, NPXS, NPXSXEM and other cryptocurrencies that are part of Pundi X payment ecosystem.

When transacting with Ingenico’s APOS A8 solution, merchants with XPOS module and crypto token holders will be able to transact directly through XWallet mobile app or XPASS cards, Pundi X’s physical multi-currency crypto card that facilitates crypto payments. The POS device will automatically provide conversion rates between fiat and crypto currencies at the retail outlets, enabling a seamless and speedy crypto transaction experience.

Pundi X’s XPOS software solution is available for deployment on all Ingenico APOS A8 devices in all major markets all around the world.

A propos d'Ingenico

Ingenico est le leader mondial dans le domaine de l'acceptation des paiements et des services associés. Nous accompagnons nos clients et leurs consommateurs pour enrichir et élargir les possibilités offertes par les paiements. Présents dans 32 pays et forts de plus de 3 100 collaborateurs, nous sommes pionniers dans le développement du commerce depuis plus de 45 ans. Avec plus de 40 millions de terminaux de paiement déployés dans le monde, soutenus par plus de 2 500 applications, notre entreprise répond quotidiennement aux besoins de millions de consommateurs. Grâce à nos solutions intégrées à la pointe de la technologie et à notre vaste réseau de partenaires, nous simplifions l'univers des paiements et offrons des services à forte valeur ajoutée pour faire progresser le commerce.

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Elena Chadaigne, Responsable de la communication externe et des relations presse

T +33 6 80 58 27 62

E [email protected]

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