Fornecendo uma solução de POS de varejo líder do setor

Customer profile: a Leading global technology retailer.


This had set themselves a goal to rearchitect their entire retail POS system within 18 months with the aim of challenging the operational and innovation standards of their major competitors. In the fast changing and highly competitive retail market, time was of the essence. However, the complexity of the project meant that it began to fall behind schedule.

retail POS solution

The solution

Ingenico Professional Services have been selected to deploy their significant project management and payment expertise to help get the project back on track. Ingenico Professional Services provided two agile teams to work on key activity streams in partnership with the customer’s existing project workforce.

Having appreciated the impact of Ingenico’s involvement in accelerating progress on the project, the acquirer was keen to consider ramping up the project solution. Ingenico Professional Services proposed a software solution which would revolutionise the client’s retail offering. Already licensed, the Ingenico software had a proven track record and would ensure secure card management, bringing value in functionality and reduced development time.


The outcome

Ingenico’s Professional Services helped de-risk and deliver a top-end solution, and clearly accelerate the time to market. The acquirer has moved one step closer to launching their new retail solution, shoring up their position in a competitive market.

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